Friday, November 16, 2007

The south. We are officially out of the south now. Since my last post, we have been to NC (where we had the most amazing meal and scenic drive) TN, AR, TX and OK. We had a show in Dallas and OK city, which brought us to that part of the country.

Texas = American, apparently, at least according to all the American flags posted on all the SUVs and Hummers. But on land, away from all the cars, Texas is like another country. It wins the prize for the state with the most state pride, where the state flag is displayed much more prominently than the national flag. It is also the land of the cheapest gas, which would explain all the SUVs and Hummers. I can't get too political on this point though, after all I am driving a complete circle around the country. No hypocrisy here.

I had never been to Dallas before and was pleasantly surprised with the areas we got to see. Most of the time when we travel to a new city, we don't make it to the downtown district, we generally hit the outskirts. In Dallas we played in an upcoming area in which half the street is trendy, the other half is struggling to keep up, or is fighting to keep the hipsters out. Not sure which, exactly. We played our show at a place called the Cavern for Faith's HS friend BB, who was kind enough to let us crash at his place. He lives in a really cute part of Dallas. We later learned that Dallas has the highest number of Billionaire residents. The next day as we were driving to find the highway, we were detoured through a neighborhood where at least all the millionaires lived.

Speaking of Texas, did you know that in the panhandle of the state resides the biggest cross in the northern hemisphere? We felt a lot safer traveling in these parts with the American flag we acquired in DC displayed in our van.

The next evening we played in Oklahoma City at the conservatory. We found the people of OKC to be super-helpful and friendly. We had a nice man give us his card and told us he grew up in OKC and if there was anything we needed when we were in town to please give him a call. Now that is southern hospitality.

I am sitting in Albuquerque NM right now, where we spent the night. I am looking forward to having more food with green chili and seeing the adobe houses before heading out.

We are on our way to San Diego where we will see the pacific ocean again...and of course lots of yummy mexican food! We are really proud of Guisepe for all his hard work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long Live Guiseppe!!!! MTT